Additional Information
P.A.Y. collaborates with other organizations. Please contact us if you would like to present at our youth workshops or participate in our events.

Professionals Assisting Youth, Inc. is now listed in the United Way database.
Child Protective Services Hotline (CPS/ DFCS)
1-855-GACHILD (1-855-455-4433)
Task Force for the Homeless
1-800-448-0636 or (404) 589-9495
Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority - South Fulton
(404) 559-6040
Salvation Army Family Service Center
(404) 486-2710
The Sullivan Center, Inc.
(404) 753-0531
Department of Education
Special Education- Division for Exceptional Students
(404) 656-3963
Babies Can't Wait Program
(404) 657-2726/ www.ph.dhr.state.ga.us.programs/bcw
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
1-800-615-1245/ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Community Mental Health
Georgia Cares (for child victims of sex trafficking)
1-844-8GA-DMST (24-Hour Hotline)
United Way